Streams of Today….

I️ sit here in thought as the world spins around me.

The mom and her son running back and forth to the soda fountain and her coffee making station

The countless conversations at the tables encompassing me into their world.

I’m at peace here. Alone. Just my mind scrapping words from my veins.

I’ve been consumed with work. So much lately I️ nearly drowned in a sinus infection.

However, now I️ breathe freely. I’m ready.

I️ may not be the best friend, I️ may not reach out and say hi as often as I️ should.

I️ think of you often. And you. And them. And us.

I️ live in the moment. For the moment and that moment of emotional distress, internal success and yet pure bliss.

It’s who I️ am. The man I️ have become. The man I️ was. The father I️ still am. The grandfather I️ will forever be.

My eyes are dams of tears. Filled to capacity. For many reasons lately. Micheal. My friend who never said good bye to.

My daughter who held my hand when no one wanted to.

My daughter, my baby girl at the time. The one who cuddled in my arm. Rode in the front of the car and listened to BB King and Eric Clapton. She always said “I’m riding with the king daddy”.

That little girl who has grown. Blossomed into a woman, a mother and in three days to be a wife.

He is good, he commands attention. Yet steps away from the limelight. He loves her, he’s told me. He shows it in their state. In their little girl.

May some internal force give me the strength to lead that special little girl of mine down the aisle into her sunset of happiness.

I’ll step back and watch. Observe as I️ do so well. I️ will listen. I️ will be silent into the night. I️ will shed that tear at her beauty. Her insight. Her will to make happiness right.


Autumn Kisses


Just as Autumn leaves land.
Upon sacred ground you stand.
Lost in golden colors,
Which dance in the wind.
Feel their touch,
As kisses begin their sin.

Rustling slightly over bare limbs.
Unable to focus in this whirlwind.
Spinning, twirling, racing mind.
As each leaf kisses,
That special spot,
Only a lover can find.

Shiver beneath carnal lips.
A wistful command, between hips.
In anticipation,
you deeply swallow.
Autumn kisses,
Will soon follow.
